My Story

This is my 2nd year doing a calendar featuring the gay men of Palm Springs, and hopefully not my last.
It is my 1st year doing a calendar about the gay men of the Pacific Northwest. 
At their core, these calendar's are about fun! About letting loose, feeling free, and embracing the colorful life that the gay community has found in the desert of California and the lush green spaces of the PNW. The other side of the calendars, that cannot go unmentioned, is the men. There are countless calendars featuring ‘perfect’ men, muscles, erections, fake tans, etc. that perpetuate a narrow view of masculinity. This calendar spotlights men who are unapologetically themselves and that deserves to be featured. An unexpected bonus to featuring ‘everyday’ men that you will see here is that these men are given a platform to confront toxic masculinity standards that permeate gay culture while representing the broader population of men and celebrating our own uniqueness. Many of the models were excited to be given the chance to do something they had never been asked to do before.
The men here deserve all the praise, adoration, and thirst that you feel for them.

Proceeds go towards CAP and DAC.